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ToggleLa Spagna vanta una buona lista di specialisti in Bitcoin e Blockchain. In questo articolo ti mostreremo la classifica dei principali influencer Bitcoin e di Blockchain della penisola iberica.
Expansión ha pubblicato qualche tempo fa un elenco di specialisti di Blockhain in Spagna. Amplieremo tale elenco e lo faremo prendendo come riferimento diversi social network e il numero di follower e l’impatto dell’attività degli influencer di Bitcoin e Blockchain. In questo caso ci concentriamo su LinkedIn.
Se conosci più influencer che ritieni dovrebbero essere in questa classifica, lasciaci la tua opinione.
Alex Puig | 22.141 followers |
Eneko Knörr | 17.132 followers |
Daniel Díez García | 12.977 followers |
Jesús Pérez | 11.430 followers |
Miguel Caballero | 10.456 followers |
Alex Preukschat | 9.803 followers |
Alejandro Gómez de la Cruz | 9.627 followers |
Cris Carrascosa | 9.554 followers |
Carlos Kuchkovsky | 7.757 followers |
Luis Pastor | 7.205 followers |
Montse Guardia | 5.830 followers |
Jorge Ordovás | 5.439 followers |
Carmen Chicharro | 4.991 followers |
Ángel Luis Quesada Nieto | 3.693 followers |
Daniel Ferraro | 3.189 followers |
Jori Armbruster | 2.852 followers |
Alberto G. Toribio | 2.785 followers |
Oscar Lage | 2.750 followers |
Ramón Quesada Torres | 2.321 followers |
Luis Vaello Garcia | 1.974 followers |
Jose Gefaell | 1.886 followers |
Marcos Muñoz | 782 followers |
Juan Antonio Lleó | 435 followers |
Pedro Javier Martínez Jiménez | 301 followers |
Felix Moreno | s/d |
CTO at Caelum Labs. Blockchain, Ethereum, Rust, Dapps & Self Sovereign ID
Investor and entrepreneur in cryptocurrency and blockchain. Advisor and consultant. Business Angel in the year 2018.
Global Head of Blockchain @UST Global. Professor. Co-Author @LibroBlockchain. STO Advisor.
Director of Fintech Plaza and Partner at Finnovating CEO. Blockchain, Tokenomics and Cryptobusiness. Building companies since 2000. Spain Node Member
CEO and Co-founder of Icofunding. Blockchain Lawyer
LLM Lawyer- Of Counsel
CTO New Digital Business BBVA | Board Member Hyperledger
Partner – IT Consulting & Innovation Grant Thornton Spain | Blockchain Specialist
General Manager at Alastria Blockchain Ecosystem
Co-responsible for the Competition Center of Blockchain of Telefónica | Co-founder of NevTrace
Director of Innovation and Marketing at Metrovacesa
Tech-partner, investor & entrepreneur at Kubide & Onyze. Blockchain fanboy.
Director at TokenMatch.
Co-Founder and Coordinator Node at EthicHub.
Blockchain & Innovation Specialist.
Head of Cyber Security at TECNALIA, Blockchain Expert
Team Manager en CoinTelegraph España (2016-2017) Co-Organizer IoT Blockchain Camp Valencia 2018
COO at Bitnovo
Founder and President at Nexwm
Bitnovo CEO & Founder
Coordinator at BlockMAD
CEO at Coinpods Keepmining
CEO Fyoro SL