Influencer Bitcoin e Blockchain in Spagna

Tiempo de lectura: 4 minutos

La Spagna vanta una buona lista di specialisti in Bitcoin e Blockchain. In questo articolo ti mostreremo la classifica dei principali influencer Bitcoin e di Blockchain della penisola iberica.

Expansión ha pubblicato qualche tempo fa un elenco di specialisti di Blockhain in Spagna. Amplieremo tale elenco e lo faremo prendendo come riferimento diversi social network e il numero di follower e l’impatto dell’attività degli influencer di Bitcoin e Blockchain. In questo caso ci concentriamo su LinkedIn.

Se conosci più influencer che ritieni dovrebbero essere in questa classifica, lasciaci la tua opinione.


Influencers Bitcoin e Blockchain Spagna su LinkedIn

Questi sono i dati dei follower su Linkedin

Alex Puig 22.141 followers
Eneko Knörr 17.132 followers
Daniel Díez García 12.977 followers
Jesús Pérez 11.430 followers
Miguel Caballero 10.456 followers
Alex Preukschat 9.803 followers
Alejandro Gómez de la Cruz 9.627 followers
Cris Carrascosa 9.554 followers
Carlos Kuchkovsky 7.757 followers
Luis Pastor 7.205 followers
Montse Guardia 5.830 followers
Jorge Ordovás 5.439 followers
Carmen Chicharro 4.991 followers
Ángel Luis Quesada Nieto 3.693 followers
Daniel Ferraro 3.189 followers
Jori Armbruster 2.852 followers
Alberto G. Toribio 2.785 followers
Oscar Lage 2.750 followers
Ramón Quesada Torres 2.321 followers
Luis Vaello Garcia 1.974 followers
Jose Gefaell 1.886 followers
Marcos Muñoz 782 followers
Juan Antonio Lleó 435 followers
Pedro Javier Martínez Jiménez 301 followers
Felix Moreno s/d

Top influencers Bitcoin eBlockchain in Spagna su LinkedIn

1 – Alex Puig

CTO at Caelum Labs. Blockchain, Ethereum, Rust, Dapps & Self Sovereign ID

2 – Eneko Knörr

Investor and entrepreneur in cryptocurrency and blockchain. Advisor and consultant. Business Angel in the year 2018.

3 – Daniel Díez García

Global Head of Blockchain @UST Global. Professor. Co-Author @LibroBlockchain. STO Advisor.

4 – Jesús Perez

Director of Fintech Plaza and Partner at Finnovating

5 – Miguel Caballero CEO. Blockchain, Tokenomics and Cryptobusiness. Building companies since 2000.

6 – Alex Preukschat Spain Node Member

7 – Alejandro Gómez de la Cruz

CEO and Co-founder of Icofunding. Blockchain Lawyer

Alejandro Gómez de la Cruz

8 – Cristina Carrascosa

LLM  Lawyer- Of Counsel

9 – Carlos Kuchkovsky

CTO New Digital Business  BBVA | Board Member Hyperledger

10 – Luis Pastor

Partner – IT Consulting & Innovation Grant Thornton Spain | Blockchain Specialist

11 – Montse Guardia Guell

General Manager at Alastria Blockchain Ecosystem

12 – Jorge Ordovás Oromendía

Co-responsible for the Competition Center of Blockchain of Telefónica | Co-founder of NevTrace

13 – Carmen Chicharro

Director of Innovation and Marketing at Metrovacesa

14 – Ángel Luis Quesada Nieto

Tech-partner, investor & entrepreneur at Kubide & Onyze. Blockchain fanboy.

15 – Daniel Ferraro

Director at TokenMatch.

16 – Jori Armbruster

Co-Founder and Coordinator Node at EthicHub.

17 – Alberto G. Toribio

Blockchain & Innovation Specialist.

18 – Oscar Lage Serrano

Head of Cyber Security at TECNALIA, Blockchain Expert

19 – Ramón Quesada Torres

Team Manager en CoinTelegraph España (2016-2017) Co-Organizer IoT Blockchain Camp Valencia 2018

20 – Luis Vaello Garcia

COO at Bitnovo

21 – Jose Gefaell

Founder and President at Nexwm

22 – Marcos Muñoz

Bitnovo CEO & Founder

23 – Juan Antonio Lleó

Coordinator at BlockMAD

24 – Pedro Javier Martínez Jiménez

CEO at Coinpods  Keepmining

25 – Felix Moreno de la Cova

CEO Fyoro SL

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