10 years ago The Bitcoin Whitepaper was published by Satoshi Nakamoto

Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos

On October 31, 2008, at exactly 2:10 p.m. EDT, Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of the Bitcoin network, published the Bitcoin whitepaper, forever changing the way we see the money.

If you are a cryptocurrencies enthusiast, the Bitcoin technical report is an essential reading to understand how they work and to know how Satoshi conceived the financial revolution we are experiencing now.

Bitcoin whitepaper

In this reading you will be able to understand the innovation that lies behind the first cryptocurrency network that works with a secure Proof of Work system (PoW).

Satoshi Nakamoto wallpaper

Since that day, the lives of many people have changed as a result of that publication. For the first time, Internet-based commerce did not have to rely on traditional financial institutions to process electronic payments.
Many bitcoiners will tell you that all these years have lived difficult things, market flops and interesting developments along the way. But even after 10 years, they will also assure you that we are still at the beginning of the financial revolution carried out by the technology that we all love.
After 10 years, we have seen that the protocol is quite safe and strong, and every day that goes by, Bitcoin enthusiasts continue to improve the system, strengthening it.

Post translated by Bitnovo.com

Carlos Lenis

Professional translator since 2013. Spanish/English English/Spanish. He has worked in fields such as legal, technical, journalistic, financial and academic. Love good books and video games. News translator for noticias.bitcoin.com.

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