LaborX: the working platform for freelancers

Tiempo de lectura: 3 minutos
Let the hand be raised by those who do not want to make money in crypto. I don’t see anyone raising their hand so I’ll proceed to tell you what LaborX is all about, the platform for freelancers that helps you earn crypts in exchange for your work.
LaborX is something like Tinder but for jobs in cryptology. Does it help you to flirt with a cryptomoney? No no, maybe I have explained it wrong.
What LaborX does is connect freelancers who want to earn money in crypto with clients who want to hire paying in cryptomonies.
And that’s how love (to crypt) and business, of course, triumphs. Although another type of love can also triumph if you know a beautiful designer who charges in Ethereum or a client who conquers you just by paying your salary in Monero.

What is LaborX?

LaborX is a platform where freelancers and clients who want to charge or pay with cryptomonies for a certain service can meet.
Just as there are Fiverr, Upwork, Workana and many others where FIAT money is used as an exchange medium, LaborX uses cryptomonies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum or stablecoins such as USDT.
This website acts as a mediator between the parties and is responsible for protecting the interests of both, the conditions, times and payments through the use of intelligent contracts Ethereum.
LABOR X Bitnovo

How does LaborX work?

– Both employers and workers look for the candidates that best fit the profile they are looking for.
– They decide the conditions under which the agreement will be agreed: time of completion, payments, etc.
– All this is based on an intelligent contract signed digitally and backed by a digital signature of both parties. At the same time, an amount is deposited in crypto-currencies that works as a guarantee until the completion of the work as a way to ensure compliance with the predefined guidelines.
– In case there is any disagreement, an independent mediator will resolve the dispute after each party presents its due arguments and evidence.

What kind of jobs can I find at LaborX?

The range of jobs is varied, but they mostly relate to the world of digital programming and design. Here are some examples, taken from current offerings within the platform:
– Experienced Graphic Designer
– Frontend Developer
– Backend Developer
– English to Korean translator
– Article Editor
– QA Tester
– Legal Consultant
Although the variety of offers is not very large, because the market for people willing to pay and sell in crypts is small, it is a very good start.

Some Advantages

The platform presents several advantages, besides the typical advantages of charging in crypt currencies such as: avoiding the traditional banking system and its commissions, receiving payments in a matter of minutes or seeing our income revalued with the increase in the price of crypts.

In addition to this, the work platform for freelancers implements the blockchain technology through the use of intelligent contracts, something really new for the world of employment.

Some Disadvantages

As we mentioned before, there is not a varied offer to get the ideal job, although on the other hand the competition is not so great for trying to get the job.

We hope that day by day more and more options will be incorporated to have the possibility to choose between several tasks, budgets, times, etc.

Other features of LaborX
– The platform is financed through a small fee of 1% for employers and 5% for employees on the total value of the contract.
– You can recommend the platform to your friends through the referral system which will allow you to get 50% of the commission paid (i.e. 2.5% of the total amount).
– There is also an incentive to share jobs submitted on social networks and get half of the commission paid by the employer to the platform (i.e. 0.5% of the total amount).

Now it’s your turn to explore LaborX, the platform for freelancers who can get you a job as an English to Korean translator or get you a girlfriend from the Czech Republic who pays in crypto currencies. Success!

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