What is MetaHero?

Tiempo de lectura: 5 minutos

In this day and age there is a word that has invaded the headlines with force, and I speak of none other than “metaverse“. The signals were given and MetaHero received them appropriately.

It is common knowledge that every blockchain has at least one project to develop a metaverse. Even companies that do not belong to the crypto ecosystem are developing or investing in them.

Evidently, in this current that is just in the process of gestation, there are many spaces to be filled. MetaHero has decided to take the lead in a niche that has so far been little mentioned.

Join me to learn more about this innovative project.

What is MetaHero?

MetaHero is a decentralized platform, which allows to create unique digital replicas of real-world artifacts and represent them through NFTs. It is a platform that combines blockchain technology, with 3D scanning technology, to bring the level of reality of the representations we observe in metaverses.

The ambitious team behind the project proposes that the objects represented in the metaverse should be exactly the same as we observe them in the real world.

MetaHero’s bet does not only include objects from our physical universe, but also, being their great product, they plan to take exact copies of our bodies to the metaverse. Undoubtedly, this point is as novel as it is controversial. We can prepare ourselves to read tons of opinions in both directions.

For the time being, leaving the discussions for another instance, the possibility of finding ourselves represented with an extreme resemblance to ourselves by means of an NFT is already available thanks to MetaHero.

How will MetaHero lead us into the metaverse?

The key to MetaHero’s big project is its partnership with Wolf Studio. This is a company that has deployed its technology in the music, gaming and fashion industries, with great success.

You may be wondering now, what technology am I talking about? We are talking about meta-scanning in three dimensions. Thanks to this technology we have been able to observe recitals with extremely realistic holograms, as well as representations of human beings extremely similar to the physical world.

These 3D meta-scanning technologies will allow MetaHero users to render as NFTs, for example:

    • Objects of daily life
    • Works of art
    • Themselves

The possibilities can scare us, the limits between the virtual and the physical are diluted with each technological advance. But, on the other hand, these advances also invite us to think about a virtual future, in which we can identify ourselves more easily and these representations can bring us benefits.

Undoubtedly, we are far from knowing the limits and effects of such technologies.

¿Qué es MetaHero?

How MetaHero works

The goal behind the MetaHero team is to bring, thanks to their technologies, the next 10 million users closer to the crypto ecosystem. We are talking about an extremely ambitious goal but, coming from a team that seeks to represent humans in the most realistic way that exists in the form of NFTs, we can expect this kind of goals.

Now, it is time to review the pillars on which this platform will be based, how it will work and how we can enter this intriguing metaverse.


The scanners

Undoubtedly the most interesting feature of MetaHero. The presentation of the first scanner, located in Qatar, was a futuristic event, worthy of a science fiction movie.

In order for humans to be represented in the metaverse, to which MetaHero will give rise, it is necessary to enter a kind of “chamber” in which the bodies will be captured by 3D scanners, with 4K technology.

After undergoing this process, people will find themselves represented, with a surprising level of reality, as NFTs. In the not-too-distant future, the options ahead for holders of these NFTs will be extremely varied, as we shall see below.


Blockchain technology

Perhaps, it is not necessary to clarify this point, but I consider it necessary to do so, based on the phrase “the public renews itself”. The images that the scanners mentioned above will give birth to, will be immortalized in a blockchain by means of a unique and unrepeatable token, known as NFT.

What do I mean by this? That this “image” will have the following characteristics:

    • Your ownership record will be publicly verifiable.
    • Will live on the blockchain immutably
    • The person in possession of the NFT may carry out any actions he/she wishes with the NFT without requesting any type of permission.

Perhaps today it is difficult to visualize what kind of actions can be performed when in the position of an NFT, but the following section may give us some ideas.


The application

The backbone of MetaHero. Downloading your application will be necessary to interact with all the functions that this platform wants to provide. But, what are these MetaHero functionalities that we will be able to perform through this application?

According to information from the team, we can list the following:

    • Connection to scanners to transform objects or people into NFTs
    • Holding of the HERO tokens necessary to create NFTs
    • Access to the market for the purchase and sale of NFTs
    • On-ramp platform, which will allow money to be deposited from bank accounts to acquire HERO
    • Possibility to use HERO as a real-life exchange currency
    • Access to the MetaHero metaverse

It is clear that this team will not rest until they have taken MetaHero to the next level.

¿Qué es MetaHero?

HERO, the MetaHero token

As I anticipated in the previous section, the platform has its own token, identified with the ticker HERO. This was deployed on the Binance Smart Chain network. After a successful private sale, its IDO was made on the PancakeSwap platform.

It is a token with an interesting deflationary system, which allows it to sustain its circulation below 10 billion tokens. To date, there are just over 5 billion tokens in circulation, with more than 9 billion issued.

At the moment, the most important use of the token is to pay for the creation of NFTs on the platform, but it is expected to have a greater impact. In this sense, the team behind MetaHero, formed an alliance with Visa in pursuit of the goal of using HERO as a regular means of payment.

There is little doubt that this team intends to erase the boundaries that distinguish the metaverse from real life in more ways than one.

A reflection on MetaHero

The MetaHero project undoubtedly focused on an aspect in which current metaverses are far from standing out. Human beings tend to “humanize”, from every point of view, every element that surrounds us.

Undoubtedly, this trend will lead us to represent metaverses as close to the real world as possible.
However, I sense that two visions will collide here.

It is well known that users of the blockchain world are characterized by placing an extremely high value on their privacy. Will they set aside this principle, to see themselves directly represented in a metaverse?

Only time will tell if MetaHero manages to add millions of new users who do not worship privacy and wish to observe their exact bodies in the virtual world, or if it will be a failed attempt to take the humanization of the virtual world too far?

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