Who Has The Most Bitcoins?

Tiempo de lectura: 3 minutos

In its beginnings, bitcoin did not cost much in 2009, it only cost 0.10 cents for each bitcoin coin, this currency over the years and day by day has increased in price since then its price has increased and now it is costing about 11,340.

Thanks to the fact that all addresses are public and available to anyone, it allows who owns the most bitcoins to be verified. To do this we must analyze two things.

The first thing to keep in mind is that users or organizations own a large amount of bitcoin, but on rare occasions they keep them in a single virtual wallet, normally a wallet can have many different public addresses and it is normal for those who have one large number of bitcoins, to have more than a single wallet.

This makes things more difficult when it comes to tracking the number of bitcoins that these people or companies own, only using the data that is registered in the public blockchain.

Another thing that we must bear in mind is that public addresses are anonymous, and unless you know who they belong to, it will not be possible to find out who the owner is, and the information provided by the blockchain is not enough, there are some techniques to analyze the blockchain, which in rare conditions allows to assign a name to public addresses.

Knowing this there is a public list of addresses that contain a large number of bitcoins and with this you can try to identify who are the users who have the most bitcoins.

At the moment one of the public addresses with the highest number of bitcoins belongs to the Huobi company, which has more than 250,000 bitcoins, equivalent to more than two billion dollars, or 1.41% of all bitcoins in circulation.

But, Houbi also owns other public addresses and the bitcoins stored in these addresses belong to the users of this platform, and not to Houbi itself.

The first 11 public addresses with the greatest amount of BTC held include those of the Binance, Bitfinex and Bittrex exchanges, while six of these have no known owner.

who has the most bitcoins Bitnovo

This has created several millionaires in recent decades. Some of these users who have more bitcoins are:

Satoshi Nakamoto

The owner who created Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, is the major holder of Bitcoins. He…or she…no one knows…holds more than 1 million Bitcoins, which is now equal to nearly $8 billion at today’s rate. According to the reports, it is said that this person has never touched nor converted his bitcoins into the real currency.

Charlie Shrem

Charlie Shrem is one of those who became rich at a very young age. He bought so many Bitcoins when the price was only $3 or $4 a coin, and after that, he bought when it was at $20 dollars per coin. He founded Bit instant, and he was also an operating member of the Bitcoin authority. Eventually, he was caught for money laundering in 2014.

Tim Draper

This man is one of the richest ones on the list as he has invested in many schemes and become a billionaire. He is the most famous person who has invested in Skype and is known for purchasing 30,000 Bitcoins in one transaction. His net worth is almost $1 billion.

Dave Carlson

Dave Carlson is a man who built his fortune by mining Bitcoin. He founded MegaBigPower, which permitted him to mine and earn rewards at a much higher rate than others. Because of this, Carlson is said to bring in profits of about $8 million per month.

Tony Gallipoli

Tony Gallipoli is another big holder of Bitcoins. Bitpay, which is one of the most famous companies of world-famous Bitcoin payments, was created by him. This company was launched in 2011, and it processes more than a million dollars in a single day.


Silbert is an undertaking capitalist, and is the creator of the Digital Currency Group and an initial adopter of Bitcoin. But he got in trouble when US marshals came to his door, as he was working with illegal products like drugs, which garnered the attention of the FBI.

Roger Ver

Roger Ver is known as “Bitcoin Jesus” and is one of the first people to become a Bitcoin billionaire. The famous libertarian left his college so he can give his full focus to his Bitcoin project.

These were some of the wealthiest and most famous bitcoin users. Many other people also have large amounts of bitcoin, but many of these keep their identities secret. Since they do not want to attract any type of fame whatever their reasons, there is also this account that has millions of bitcoins and is managed from Singapore. You can also start trading by buying bitcoins, you can buy them on our page, but for that first, you need a Bitcoin wallet.

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